Hey welcome to my portfolio

"Hello, my name is Shanto Chandra Dey and I am a 20-year-old student from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree at a college in Dhaka and have a passion for web design. In my portfolio, you will see evidence of my creativity and technical skills as a web designer, as well as my academic achievements and experiences. Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio."

Hey welcome to my portfolio

"Hello, my name is Shanto Chandra Dey and I am a 20-year-old student from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree at a college in Dhaka and have a passion for web design. In my portfolio, you will see evidence of my creativity and technical skills as a web designer, as well as my academic achievements and experiences. Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio."

Hey welcome to my portfolio

"Hello, my name is Shanto Chandra Dey and I am a 20-year-old student from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree at a college in Dhaka and have a passion for web design. In my portfolio, you will see evidence of my creativity and technical skills as a web designer, as well as my academic achievements and experiences. Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio."

Hey welcome to my portfolio

"Hello, my name is Shanto Chandra Dey and I am a 20-year-old student from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree at a college in Dhaka and have a passion for web design. In my portfolio, you will see evidence of my creativity and technical skills as a web designer, as well as my academic achievements and experiences. Thank you for taking the time to review my portfolio."

More About Our Self

The work of a web designer

A web designer creates and designs websites, combining technical skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and design principles with communication skills to bring client ideas to life through visually appealing and functional websites.

The work I can do as a web DESIGNER

"I am a dedicated and talented web designer with a passion for creating beautiful and functional websites. With a strong background in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I have the technical skills to bring any project to life. My eye for design and attention to detail ensure that every website I create is not only visually appealing, but also user-friendly. I work closely with my clients to understand their vision and goals, and I am committed to delivering results that exceed their expectations. Let's bring your website to the next level together."

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3

About Me

Loren ipwum sit amet, conwectetur adipiscing elict, sed niber, tinaidunt sit amet sapoen quis elementum molestie tellus. Pellentesque habitant marbi tristque senectus et netus et malwsuada fames ac turpos egesta. Mauris Mauris wlwfgrnd managr id ante convallis mallis .Quisque in sam tristqul , diatum sapone et, accumsan libero.

  • Skills
  • Experiences
  • Education


    Designg Web interfaces
  • Web Devedesigng
    Designg Web interfaces
  • Experiences

    • 2023 - Current
      Creative IT Institute
    • 2022 - 2023
      Working with 4 frand at Creative IT
    • 2022 - 2023
      Internship at Creative IT.


    • 2022 - 2023
      Designg Web Training at Creative IT Institute
    • 2020
      HSC form Jalal Uddin Degree College
    • 2018
      SSC form Rouulgong High School

    My Services

    Web Development

    Every website should be built with two primury goal fastly if need to work across all service second late need to be fast as possible


    Web design refers to the creation and styling of websites. It involves creating visually appealing, user-friendly layouts that websites.


    Notifications are alerts or messages informing users of new events, updates, or information. They appear on devices and can information.

    Let Me Get You A Beautiful Website

    Customer Review

    Customer Review

    "This web designer exceeded expectations with their attention to detail and creative design skills. The result was a visually stunning and functional website. Highly recommend for outstanding web design services."


    Mary Slimth

    "Exceptionally talented web designer. Creates beautiful, functional websites. Highly recommended."

    Mary Slimth

    "Exceptionally talented web designer. Creates beautiful, functional websites. Highly recommended."

    Mary Slimth

    "Exceptionally talented web designer. Creates beautiful, functional websites. Highly recommended."

    Mary Slimth

    "Exceptionally talented web designer. Creates beautiful, functional websites. Highly recommended."

    Customer Review

    "This web designer exceeded expectations with their attention to detail and creative design skills. The result was a visually stunning and functional website. Highly recommend for outstanding web design services."



    Robort Danny

    This web designer exceeded expectations with their attention to detail and creative design skills. The result was

    Robort Danny

    This web designer exceeded expectations with their attention to detail and creative design skills. The result was

    What coustomer say

    Mory Smith

    "Exceptionally talented web designer. Creates beautiful, functional websites. Highly recommended."

    Link In bio

    Service Photo

    Mory Smitch

    This web designer exceeded expectations with their attention to detail and creative design skills. The result was

    Mory Smitch

    This web designer exceeded expectations with their attention to detail and creative design skills. The result was

    Service Photo

    Some Of The Web Design I Can Make


    Hire Me As A Web-designer

    -For My Class Project-

    • 9 Days of my time

    • Jast Using Html/Css
    • 700+ HTML Code
    • 1200+ CSS Code
    • Not responsive

    Custom PSD

    Web designers create visually appealing,

    • 7 Days of my time

    • Using Html/Css/Plugin
    • 900+ HTML & 600+ CSS Code
    • 100+ Line of js
    • Responsive

    Custom PSD

    Web designers create visually appealing,

    • Carruntly Working

    • Using Html/Css/JS plug in
    • Unknone number HTML/CSS code
    • Unknone number JS code
    • Will be responsive

    Custom PSD

    Web designers create visually appealing,